Sunday, July 14, 2013

Partial X-Country Road Trip

The online summer school class I taught ended Friday and it was great fun. I would have never guessed this would be the case. What a wonderful challenge to learn about the cyber-classroom and how to build rapport and connect through the fiber optic world of technology. There is so much to do and it was time intensive to build and called upon creativity and humility in the process. Fortunately I have a friend that mentored me through the process.  I am surprised that you can get to know students in an online forum. It is still foreign, and there is much room for improvement. And, if given the opportunity I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Currently, I am traveling from Collegeville, MN to Washington D.C. with my friend where we will meet two other friends for some communal fun. While sitting in a coffee shop waiting for her to finish wedding activities "Homeward Bound" came on the radio and it created a swirl of reflection. For a variety of reasons I spend time reflecting on the concept of home, where it is for me and what that means. Where is home? This is an existential question. I invite you to watch the video and take some time for reflection (that sounds sort of directive doesn't it...maybe teacher mode is kicking in). Respond to the question if you feel comfortable letting us know your thoughts on home.


  1. This year during retreat I reflected on home and where it is. As I reviewed my life, I found home is not a place, but the people who I most connect with. I am still searching for my Jesus home. For me it's about belonging. I believe that is something I will reflect on for awhile.

  2. Someone once said that home is where you can behave as you want and still be loved. Sounds like Heaven to me.

    God bless you.

  3. In January 2002 I was called to Wyoming to bury my only brother. I've moved around a lot in my life and had to make a "home" in many new places, but being there in that place was different. Along with the grief, I was in a strange land, with different customs...."out of my element", with out friends to comfort me. I was "homesick". I longed for St. Mary's Church in Nanty Glo, my CSA Sisters and Associates, my choir family Mass and familiar hymns.I welled up with tears when I heard " Homeward Bound" again, because the feelings replayed. It's a place in your heart!
