The first scripture reading for today (1Kings
17:17-24) has Elijah entering into a widow's house only to find out her son has
died. He takes the body to the upper room where he is able to call upon God and
is heard. The son is brought back to life through Elijah's call and action. In
the Gospel (LK 7:11-17) Jesus brings a dead man back to life. In both accounts
Elijah and Jesus are recognized as people of God after performing these
miracles. I reflect today on what it means to have life restored and know that
over the years this has happened for me. One seduction that constantly beckons
is cynicism and what I have learned is that the antidote for such a condition
is getting in touch with innocence.
It sounds silly on one level, yet for me there are practices that help
make a return to innocence possible. When I talk of innocence it is about being
in touch with the freshness of each moment as an unexpected welcome. For
instance, teaching high school demanded that I be present to students in a way
that was real. Teaching theology was fun for me as it helped God come to life
in my prayer and interactions in ways I would have never imagined. Partly this
was because I realized if I was not authentic there was no way to reveal the
universal message of God's love. The students I came to know helped me learn
that there is not room for cynicism when committing to a life of love. Teaching
young people offers a fresh perspective if one listens. This is where love
moved me into a cause that requires I work with others in order for them to
know God's love. This can be done in so many different venues outside of the
classroom as well and as life unfolds my guess is more opportunities will
arise. There are ways that I still struggle with the cynical voices that pop-up
in my head, and at times it feels like I lean hard into nihilism (this has
become more apparent over the past year or so). It is a dance that will likely
continue. The difference today is that I cannot deny the new life I have found
through God's love.
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