This will be a whole lot of ramble about an exhilarating experience that added a speck of glory to last week. Friday I had the opportunity to talk to grade and middle school students about vocations. The day started with Fifth and Sixth grade and I had no idea what to say. So, I launched into the story of Moses and his call. It was great as we talked about call and what it means in our lives. They shared much and related to the material with ease. By the time I arrived at the First grade room I was loosing steam as the people continued to get younger and less interested in Moses and his schtick. With the First grade students I asked one question and before you knew it I was listening to the miraculous chatter of people who are not confined by my rules. They told me about St. Patrick and the story the teacher read them before my arrival. It was delightful. This one little guy had some snack mashed up and moistened on his desk and just worked with it as if he was the greatest sculptor on the planet. I marvel at the freedom.
There was one point in the day when I was completely stumped by a question. It was a little boy in Fourth grade who looked at me and said, "What if you have a boyfriend and get pregnant. And, then became a Sister and do not know you are pregnant?" felt like a trap so the response was that you would know because it takes longer than nine months to be a Sister. The many layered response would not have been as convincing. Luckily he was satisfied and although this created a string of crazy questions they were all fun and about faith.
These kids were great. I asked how they know God and one little girl said, "God talks to me in my heart." This week I pray that we have the freedom and faith of these young people who have not been jaded by the dailiness of life.
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