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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Some Call Me Sis
Sunday, July 21, 2013
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial |
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National Cathedral, Washington D.C. |
Later that night we headed to the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial (see picture above). Again, breathtaking.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Partial X-Country Road Trip
The online summer school class I taught ended Friday and it was great fun. I would have never guessed this would be the case. What a wonderful challenge to learn about the cyber-classroom and how to build rapport and connect through the fiber optic world of technology. There is so much to do and it was time intensive to build and called upon creativity and humility in the process. Fortunately I have a friend that mentored me through the process. I am surprised that you can get to know students in an online forum. It is still foreign, and there is much room for improvement. And, if given the opportunity I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Currently, I am traveling from Collegeville, MN to Washington D.C. with my friend where we will meet two other friends for some communal fun. While sitting in a coffee shop waiting for her to finish wedding activities "Homeward Bound" came on the radio and it created a swirl of reflection. For a variety of reasons I spend time reflecting on the concept of home, where it is for me and what that means. Where is home? This is an existential question. I invite you to watch the video and take some time for reflection (that sounds sort of directive doesn't it...maybe teacher mode is kicking in). Respond to the question if you feel comfortable letting us know your thoughts on home.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Guest Blogger: Sister Dolores Lytle
For a couple of years now we have all relished Sister Vicki sharing the stories of her ministry and her life as a sister of Saint Agnes. I joined Vicki two weeks ago for the great gathering of our community called chapter. Unlike the annual CSA days, this gathering brings all the sisters together to tell of their efforts to understand and appreciate the privilege of working as ecclesial women the last four years. Reflection and conversation helped us articulate our dreams for renewing the life of the community. From listening and deep reflection together came a clear outline of what is most important the next four years. Our common journey expresses our commitment to journey together consciously evolving for the same of the mission. A newly elected leadership team will coordinate all of us and we review our own lifestyles to sync them with the 2013 Chapter Statement. Once again this statement says our lives are about the mission of Jesus, and all our individual and group relationships are to measured in Christ.
At times working in Illinois with the dozen sisters in our area, I can feel like a drop in dry bucket working for Christ and our church. But coming together with more than a hundred sisters and associates to listen with care and great attention to Christ and each other, I know my drop is part of great and strong river a century long. A waterway present in Latin America and North America touching the lives of those whose faith life and human dignity are threatened. We celebrate the jubilees of vowed and committed members, a couple of thousand years of dedication to Christ’s mission. Check our website csasisters.org, the IT people should have it working again real soon. Read for yourself the statement woven of our dreams and get to know the sisters who will help us live it out.
Sister Dolores Lytle, CSA
Sunday, June 16, 2013
This week we begin our community Chapter meetings. We will be discussing how we want to move forward as a community and electing new leadership for the congregation. We will complete the days and then head into Jubilee celebrations for Sisters and Associates who have been committed 15, 25, 40, 50 years and so on, this will be June 30. I will be on hiatus and ask that you pray for us.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
New Life
The first scripture reading for today (1Kings
17:17-24) has Elijah entering into a widow's house only to find out her son has
died. He takes the body to the upper room where he is able to call upon God and
is heard. The son is brought back to life through Elijah's call and action. In
the Gospel (LK 7:11-17) Jesus brings a dead man back to life. In both accounts
Elijah and Jesus are recognized as people of God after performing these
miracles. I reflect today on what it means to have life restored and know that
over the years this has happened for me. One seduction that constantly beckons
is cynicism and what I have learned is that the antidote for such a condition
is getting in touch with innocence.
It sounds silly on one level, yet for me there are practices that help
make a return to innocence possible. When I talk of innocence it is about being
in touch with the freshness of each moment as an unexpected welcome. For
instance, teaching high school demanded that I be present to students in a way
that was real. Teaching theology was fun for me as it helped God come to life
in my prayer and interactions in ways I would have never imagined. Partly this
was because I realized if I was not authentic there was no way to reveal the
universal message of God's love. The students I came to know helped me learn
that there is not room for cynicism when committing to a life of love. Teaching
young people offers a fresh perspective if one listens. This is where love
moved me into a cause that requires I work with others in order for them to
know God's love. This can be done in so many different venues outside of the
classroom as well and as life unfolds my guess is more opportunities will
arise. There are ways that I still struggle with the cynical voices that pop-up
in my head, and at times it feels like I lean hard into nihilism (this has
become more apparent over the past year or so). It is a dance that will likely
continue. The difference today is that I cannot deny the new life I have found
through God's love.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Commitment in Religious Life
inspiration and working so hard to change our world!
Lately I have spent much time reflecting on what it means to be a vowed member in a religious community of women. Getting here has been a most interesting journey and it all began with a stirring that could not be denied. Listening to God requires discipline. Saying yes to God, well that requires a whole different set of skills...plus discipline. Of course in some ways the two seem interchangeable. I am a sister out of a desire to love more fully and so far this is a constant invitation to being more authentic. I am still me - with all the foibles that accompany that statement (no list of these darling characteristics will be given...if you know me you know some of them, if not you have met them in yourself or others).
I remember often being asked if I was concerned about being lonely before entering CSA. I also remember some people teasing me for choosing consecrated celibacy over being in a committed relationship with one other person (translate this for yourself). Or people wondering what was appealing about celibacy, poverty and obedience in a community of women. It never seemed that people were trying to be crass. Rather they seemed sincere with these concerns. Religious life is an alternative lifestyle and it is a response that is not easily defined. I find strength in relationships with community, family, friends and the people I work with. Ultimately my heart is filled with a deep desire for God and this is where I find solace. Today I am aware of the privilege of my life and the gratitude I have for the unfolding of God's call. I also rejoice with those who are challenged to listen in similar ways as we explore what it is that we are moving toward in our various communities.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Mansion, Castle and Matter? Not Sure.
This Swallow made much noise at me today. |
Last summer I picked-up the book The Wisdom
Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind - A New Perspective on Christ and His
Message (Cynthia Bourgeault). A couple of weeks ago I began reading it
again after hearing an excellent homily that referenced the author. The thing
that I enjoy about the book is that Jesus is made to come to life in the
reading in ways that were not clear before. Today's reading dealt with
resurrection, ascension and Pentecost. I offer a quote from the book,
"What Jesus does so profoundly demonstrate to us in his passage from death
to life is that the walls between the realms are paper thin. Along the entire
ray of creation, the 'mansions' are interpenetrating and mutually permeable by
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Space Between
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Another Musical Memory
Ascension Sunday is here! So, we continue in good faith while also celebrating Mom's throughout the world today. Happy Mother's day! First thing I received this morning was a text from my Mom at 5:30 a.m. thanking each of us girls for what we do and speaking of her pride. This started my day off with a smile! Tonight we went for dinner and that was a delight. Thanks Mom for being who you are and encouraging us to do the same.
Last night Arlo Guthrie was in Oshkosh after acquiring two free tickets (thanks to Jon Nicoud). It was great listening to the music and story. So, my friend Barb (who joined me for the John Denver impersonator a few weeks ago) joined me again. The night was fantastic. When we sat down I looked around the theater and saw two of my community members a few rows back. He sang a song of his father's (Woody), "Deportee," that told the story of 28 migrant workers and the 4 U.S. citizens accompanying them back to Mexico in a deportation process. The plane crashed in Los Gatos Canyon (this was in 1948) while being deported. Guthrie was angered that the migrants who died were not given a name in the newspaper and were referred to only as deportees. Eventually twelve of them were named and they are still buried in a common grave near the crash site. It was moving to hear the story and song last night, and as pointed out by Arlo it could have been written today and have the same feel and meaning.
Today has been filled with preparation for the online class I'm teaching for summer school. It seems the technology is working and things should start out well from that end. Have a good week!
Arlo Guthrie's Instruments and Stage Set-up |
Today has been filled with preparation for the online class I'm teaching for summer school. It seems the technology is working and things should start out well from that end. Have a good week!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Old Friends
Meeting Doodles |
Debbie Slamming the Board |
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Signs of Spring

The week flew by and there are signs of spring everywhere. Today while walking out of the Mother House the Sister waiting for me was staring at a tree. There were Cedar Wax Wings eating last years berries (the picture is included). Last Sunday one of the Sisters pointed out an owl to me (that picture is also included). Things are warming-up in Wisconsin and from what I understand some people have already begun preparing the gardens. This is the mundane at work, and also the great rhythm of life.
Yesterday I attended my first Adopt-A-Highway clean-up activity. While picking up debris I recalled a time when I was unaware of the environment and the impact I had on it. I was immediately focused on the day that helped me to shift toward stewardship. The transition was slow, yet I owe that initial movement to my younger sister Heather. Her awareness and prodding allowed me to change some habits while recognizing the world is here to be cared for, not destroyed by the mindless activity of humans. Last week we celebrated Earth Day and our planet is in need of our love and care. Yesterday during a meeting we watched a video from the late Thomas Barry and I share that with you as an opportunity to reflect as well. Blessings and have a great week!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Thoughts, and Some More Thoughts
My heart goes out to the people in Boston, MA and West, Texas as they deal with the tragedies of last week, and all who continue to work toward justice regarding the gun bill. This has been a heavy week and the news media is filled with images of distress and challenge. I wonder how you find yourself in all of this? I am overwhelmed by the imagery and discussion. When saturated by these things I need to step away and breathe while focusing on the other things in life that matter. In an attempt to stay conscious about what is happening in the world I check-in online and try to avoid the news broadcasts. It is easy to become fixated on the story of the day and not see what is being neglected right before my eyes. This occurs even when there is not a tragic tale to be told. I am always curious how other people deal with media overload, or maybe it is news overload? One of the things I do is read Yahoo! News in an attempt to balance out the serious with the sublime. For the most part this works out pretty well. Sometimes if I really need to read the story I will go to the BBC feed and get that perspective.
Onto a less happening topic: I am attempting to once again wean myself off of caffeine. No headache, just feeling a bit tired, cranky and spacey today. In an attempt to help build my energy I rode my bike for 1/2 an hour this morning in the basement, it is still too cold for me to go outside (Can you believe we have snow flakes falling?). Anyway, my guess is this only woke up the dormant muscles that have not been used on the bike since last fall. Hopefully during this time my internal crab will not be experienced by others. Oh, how I despise these days. Well, that is enough from here for now. Have a blessed week.
Onto a less happening topic: I am attempting to once again wean myself off of caffeine. No headache, just feeling a bit tired, cranky and spacey today. In an attempt to help build my energy I rode my bike for 1/2 an hour this morning in the basement, it is still too cold for me to go outside (Can you believe we have snow flakes falling?). Anyway, my guess is this only woke up the dormant muscles that have not been used on the bike since last fall. Hopefully during this time my internal crab will not be experienced by others. Oh, how I despise these days. Well, that is enough from here for now. Have a blessed week.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Do you love me?
My Mom posted the above video on Facebook the other night (Stand By Me, Playing for Change Band) and a few years ago my community used the same video to open up one of our summer gatherings. It seems to me that this video fits today’s Gospel reading, which has Jesus asking Peter three times if he loves him only to command that he feed his sheep. I sit here wondering what it took for Peter to respond with affirmation to this question about love. Peter already knew that being a friend to Jesus creates difficulties, and ultimately due to his faithful response in this love he was martyred. Today it is popular for us Christians to claim our stakes in loving Jesus. And still, when we are paying attention this is a difficult response to live out in daily life. What does it mean when I listen to of Jesus’ call to feed his sheep? This is something that requires tenacity and relationships. I am willing to walk in this mystery with others and recognize I cannot do it alone, every time I think I can it’s a colossal disaster. The love that connects me to Jesus is real, and at this point in my life I need something concrete to help stay the course in my commitment to saying, “Yes!” Up until this point it is people, which when I was young I thought a weakness, today I think it a gift. So, the song fits my experience thus far in relation to discipleship and service. Have a great week!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
May I see your identification?
I heard a fantastic homily today! The Gospel was from John, "But he [Thomas] said to them, 'Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." The message I heard flipped my usual understanding of this Gospel in it's entirety. Rather than focus on belief and the disciples it was about Jesus' transformation and the inability to comprehend him anew (unfortunately this is not doing justice to what I actually heard). After reflecting on the homily I had a memory that put this into perspective from my own experienced. I recall a friend who moved away when I was young and had experienced transformation. There was hope that his life would be different upon returning to those of us who continued on with our usual things. Many people did not believe this was an actual transformation that occurred, and over time it appeared that the renewal was short lived. The sad thing was that we put him in a box and did not allow time for flourishing, and many said it was just an act that there was not change at all. Of course as an adult it is easy to see that moving back into the old routine, without proper supports in place, never is a good mix for a young person to maintain change, or any person for that matter. The difference in our faith is that Jesus did not need the apostles to support his transformation for the purpose of maintaining his resurrection. Rather they needed to experience him in the old in order to see him anew. For the first time I was not so ashamed of the Doubting Thomas that rises up so often, and realize that when honest about that doubt I can be moved to connect and support transformation in myself and others.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Say Hallelujah
1. Is it true?
2. Is it kind?
3. Is it necessary?
Enjoy the video this week, it is one of my Easter favorites by Tracy Chapman!!!!! Blessings!!!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Romero: A 20th Century Martyr

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